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We collaborate!
Our goal is to offer a Sámi night club and party 20.1
Tuija Guttorm
She is an entrepreneur and Nålla, kova sooda's Social Media expert!
Ailu Valle x Thon Hotel
Hackathon arranges a concert at Thon on saturday 20.1
Ole Mathis Nedrejord
Media profile, influencer and manager of Sárá Duodji.
Kajsa Kvernmo
She is a successfull designer both abroad and in Sápmi. Founder of Laš Studio.
Káren-Ann Hurri & Katarina Påve Gaup
Ovddos employees and entrepreneurs.
We are producing Sápmi Business Hackathon for you, and wishing you all a warm Bures Boahtin!
We are producing Sápmi Business Hackathon for you, and wishing you all a warm Bures Boahtin!
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